News Dissemination
Free News Dissemination
Stockwatch disseminates material Canadian public company news for free.
All news is edited to our style guide standards and released to the
world-wide-web and our tens of thousands of subscribers. With some
exceptions for non-material events (such as awards, rankings or trade show
announcements) we carry every news release for every listed company.
Our news feed service is automated and releases are picked up from the newswires automatically, then processed by our editors and posted on Stockwatch.
For slightly faster dissemination you can send the releases directly to However, only send releases to the news queue after they have been made public. Stockwatch does not hold news once received in the news queue and releases will be processed and posted as soon as they are received.
It's easy! Just email a copy of your press release and we will
distribute it through our website at
Steps to follow when sending your news:
Important note: News releases send directly to Stockwatch are processed then disseminated upon receipt. Stockwatch does not schedule the news for release at a later time or the next day.
Save your news release as a Word document (.doc) or an Adobe PDF
(.pdf) document
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- Leave the body of the email blank.
- Be sure that your "signature" is turned off if it includes html
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