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BCSC bans Blok Technologies for eight years

2024-05-17 20:11 ET - Street Wire

Also Street Wire (C-BLK) Blok Technologies Inc

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by Mike Caswell

The B.C. Securities Commission has imposed an eight-year ban on Blok Technologies Inc., a former Canadian Securities Exchange listing that misled investors about a $5.4-million financing. The BCSC said that the company failed to disclose that it would not retain most of the money from the financing. It raised the $5.4-million and then paid out $4.4-million to consultants in a process that amounted to a "cheque swap," the BCSC determined.

The penalties for Blok are contained in an administrative decision that the BCSC released on Friday, May 17. The order bars the company from engaging in promotional activities for eight years. The company is also banned from trading in or purchasing securities (a term that is usually used applied to individuals or private entities). The BCSC did not impose any fine, noting the company's inability to pay. The penalties are mostly symbolic, as the company is in the process of being dissolved.

Friday's decision arises from a financing that Blok arranged in 2018, when it was one of several companies promoting blockchain technology. The company said that it had a deal to use blockchain to handle supply chain management in the cannabis industry. Blok had never generated any revenue, and was dependent on raising money to develop its business.

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collected 5.4 million of my own money???? and was fined 25000 and banned. Must be a good reason. I'll take a deal like this sign me up pronto. OF COURSE, I'll have to take of my sick mother, so no jail time please. Mind you, Mom would be about 110 years old now. Anyone know what the benefit of this would be????

Posted by mrhappyone at 2024-05-18 20:04

Make work project for government bureaucrats that are running out of steam with false narratives. For example Crypto is the world's biggest fraud/scam but yet BCSC and other regulators are trying to legalize it. What is the underlying asset of Crypto? Who does one sue when Bitcoin goes from 70k to 15k? Major reality check is getting close. Good luck investing. Welcome new immigrants, get ready to be volunteer slaves to the Canadian economy.

Posted by firefox at 2024-05-21 09:46

these clowns were running the same scam as Anthony Jackson was running for Bridgemark around this time. raise some capital from a group that needed it back as fees for humping the stock and selling into it at higher levels. wonderful scheme that made a lot of consultants very rich particularly in the Bridgemark group. but it fleeced an already dodgy junior market , again,

Posted by rdwww at 2024-05-21 15:23