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by Will Purcell
The diamond and specialty minerals stocks box score for Tuesday was a positive 85-75-150 as the TSX Venture Exchange rose six points to 609. Laura Lee Duffett's Tres-Or Resources Ltd. (TRS) closed unchanged at 6.5 cents on 6,000 shares Monday and was untraded today. The company has a growing working capital deficiency, about $460,000 at the end of November, and it has been unable to raise any cash over the past year. Nevertheless, Tres-Or still touts its legacy Guigues diamond project just northeast of Lac Temiscamingue in Quebec, and its newer -- but still slumbering -- Brazilian project.
At last report, Tres-Or had over 10 tonnes of kimberlite drill core locked away in some warehouse, awaiting transport to Saskatchewan for macrodiamond recovery. The rock had been acquired in 2021 through the drilling of five 300-metre-deep holes -- four of which bottomed in kimberlite while the fifth came close. The mini-bulk sampling program had been deemed warranted based on earlier microdiamond recoveries in which the company gleaned 58 tiny gems from 511.6 kilograms of drill core.
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