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Diamond & Specialty Minerals Summary for Jan. 29, 2025

2025-01-29 17:01 ET - Market Summary

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by Will Purcell

The diamond and specialty minerals stocks box score for Wednesday was a so-so 77-71-162 as the TSX Venture Exchange rose four points to 613. Dr. Ray Davies's Talmora Diamond Inc. (TAI), once dismissed as "No-bid Talmora" for its propensity to trade just once every full moon or so, now trades more often than not these days. (On Friday, it added 2.5 cents to close at 5.5 cents on 2,500 shares but has not traded a board lot since.)

The modest increase in investor interest comes despite a multiyear downturn in rough diamond prices and the never-ending depression in market interest in diamonds, which is now well into its second decade. Talmora, you see, does not have the big bankroll to do justice to its wholly owned Horton River project north of Great Bear Lake, or to the Seahorse portion of that project that it now shares with Leni Keough's Olivut Resources Ltd. (OLV: $0.05). Nevertheless, Dr. Davies makes up for what Talmora lacks in cash through an overflowing treasury of geological conjecture.

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