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Helium Evolution Inc
Symbol HEVI
Shares Issued 96,033,974
Close 2024-10-16 C$ 0.11
Market Cap C$ 10,563,737
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ORIGINAL: Helium Evolution Announces Key Well Licenses Obtained

2024-10-17 11:23 ET - News Release

CALGARY, Alberta, Oct. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Helium Evolution Incorporated (TSXV:HEVI) ("HEVI" or the "Company"), a Canadian-based helium exploration company focused on developing assets in southern Saskatchewan, is pleased to announce that its partner, North American Helium Inc. (“NAH”), has secured licenses to drill two joint wells in the Mankota area. This initiative is part of the previously announced development plan for up to nine wells in the Mankota area, as disclosed on April 2, 2024.

The licenses are for wells to be located at 7-2-4-9W3M (the “7-2 Well”) and 3-19-3-8W3 (the “3-19 Well”).   Both the 7-2 Well and the 3-19 Well are considered delineation wells designed to further assess the reservoir potential in the area. The 7-2 Well, which is anticipated to be drilled first, offsets the discovery well at 9-35-3-9W3 (the “9-35 Well”), which was drilled in the first quarter of 2024.

In a previous announcement on February 26, 2024, the Company reported that the 9-35 Well flow tested at approximately 7 million standard cubic feet per day (“MMscf/d”) and 9,000 kiloPascals flowing tubing pressure during the six-day extended flow period. The gas composition of the 9-35 Well is 0.64% helium and 96.7% nitrogen, with the balance comprised of fractional percentages of minor component gases.  Additionally, as announced on April 10, 2024, a post-flow pressure transient analysis (“PTA”) on the 9-35 Well revealed no reservoir pressure depletion or reservoir boundaries, highlighting a potentially expansive and productive reservoir.  The PTA also calculated an absolute open flow potential of 13.3 MMscf/d. 

“We are excited to have taken these crucial first steps in our ambitious drilling program, which is set to unfold this fall and winter,” stated Greg Robb, President and CEO of HEVI. “We are working closely with NAH to secure licenses for the remaining seven wells and look forward to providing future updates on the 7-2 Well, the 3-19 Well and our other exploration and development activities.”

Stay Connected to Helium Evolution

Shareholders and other parties interested in learning more about the Helium Evolution opportunity are encouraged to visit the Company’s website, which includes an updated corporatepresentation, and are invited to follow the Company on LinkedIn and X for ongoing corporate updates and helium industry information. Helium Evolution also provides an extensive, commissioned ‘deep-dive’ research report prepared by a third party whose background includes serving as a research analyst for several bank-owned and independent investment dealers. In addition to recent mediaarticles, HEVI maintains a profile on the InvestingNewsNetwork platform, where further information, editorial pieces and industry reviews are available.

About Helium Evolution Incorporated

Helium Evolution is a Canadian-based helium exploration company holding the largest helium land rights position in North America among publicly-traded companies, focused on developing assets in southern Saskatchewan. The Company has over five million acres of land under permit near proven discoveries of economic helium concentrations which will support scaling the exploration and development efforts across its land base. HEVI’s management and board are executing a differentiated strategy to become a leading supplier of sustainably-produced helium for the growing global helium market.

For further information, please contact:

Greg Robb, President & CEO
Kristi Kunec, CFO
Phone: 1-587-330-2459
Email: info@heliumevolution.ca
Web: https://www.heliumevolution.ca/  


This news release contains statements that constitute "forward-looking statements." Such forward looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results, performance or achievements, or developmentsintheindustrytodiffermateriallyfromtheanticipatedresults,performanceorachievementsexpressedorimplied bysuchforward-lookingstatements.Forwardlookingstatementsarestatementsthatarenothistoricalfactsandaregenerally, butnotalways,identifiedbythewords"expects,""plans,""anticipates,""believes,""intends,""estimates,""projects,""potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will," "would," "may," "could" or "should" occur.

Forward-looking statements in this document include statements regarding the anticipated drilling and timing of the 7-2 Well and the 3-19 Well, securing future licenses, the anticipated nine well drilling program, the Company's expectations regarding the Company becoming a leading supplier of sustainably-produced helium, the Company’s strong working capital position, the Company's beliefs regarding growth of the global helium market and other statements that are not historical facts. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks,uncertaintiesand other factorswhichmaycause ouractualresults,performance orachievements,or other future events, to bematerially different from any futureresults,performanceor achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.Suchfactorsand risksinclude,among others:NAHmaybe unsuccessfulindrillingcommerciallyproductive wells; drill costs may be higher or lower than estimates; NAHmaydefer, abandon or acceleratethedrillingofthe 7-2 Well, the 3-19 Well and the nine well drill program; NAH/ HEVI may be unable to obtain any new licenses; new laws or regulations and/or unforeseen events could adversely affect the Company’s business and results of operations; stock markets have experienced volatility that often has been unrelated to the performance of companies and such volatility may adversely affect the price of the Company's securities regardless of its operating performance; risks generally associated with the exploration for and production of resources; the uncertainty of estimates and projections relating to expenses and the Company’s working capital position; constraint in the availability of services; commodity price and exchange rate fluctuations; adverse weather or break-up conditions; and uncertainties resulting from potentialdelays or changes in plans with respect to exploration or development projects or capital expenditures.

Whenrelyingonforward-lookingstatementsandinformationtomakedecisions,investorsandothersshouldcarefullyconsider the foregoing factorsand risks other uncertainties and potentialevents.The Company hasassumed that the material factors referredtointhepreviousparagraphswillnotcausesuchforward-lookingstatementsandinformationtodiffermateriallyfrom actual results or events. However, the list of these factors is not exhaustive and is subject to change and there can be no assurance that such assumptions will reflect the actual outcome of such items or factors. The reader is cautioned not to place unduerelianceonanyforward-lookinginformation.Suchinformation,althoughconsideredreasonablebymanagementatthe timeofpreparation,mayprovetobeincorrectandactualresultsmaydiffermateriallyfromthoseanticipated.Forward-looking statementscontainedinthispressreleaseareexpresslyqualifiedbythiscautionarystatement.Theforward-lookingstatements containedinthispressreleasearemadeasofthedateofthispressrelease.TheCompanydoesnotintend,andexpressly disclaimsanyintentionorobligationto,updateorreviseanyforward-lookingstatementswhetherasaresultofnew information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.

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