View Portfolio
Add Stock
Edit Stocks
Exchange Codes
Deleting Symbols
Entering Transactions
View Portfolio
The View Portfolio page shows you all of the stocks in a single
portfolio as well as news in the last 2 weeks for each of your portfolio
The number of stocks that you can have is determined by your
subscription level. You can have up to 10 different portfolios which allows you
to group them at your convenience.
- Starter subscribers can have 10 stocks *total*.
- Intermediate subscribers can have 40 stocks *total*.
- Trader subscribers can have 100 stocks *total*.
- DayTrader subscribers can have 300 stocks *total*.
- Maximum subscribers can have 600 stocks *total*.
By default, all Stockwatch bulletins for your portfolio stocks are sent to you by email when they are released.
There is no extra charge for this.
Regardless of your subscription level you may get an unlimited number of quotes for any stocks.
To edit your portfolio, click on the Edit Portfolio link.
Add Stock
Method one - select the Portfolio link displayed with a single quote.
- Click on the Portfolio link (it is displayed in quote results pages when only a single quote is returned)
- A form such as the one below is displayed. Edit the
form fields as needed then click
on the Submit button when done.

Method two - select the portfolio to Edit with the popup menus.
- Select Edit Portfolio menu for a particular Portfolio by moving
your mouse over Portfolio -> Edit Portfolio ->Portfolio number

- A form such as the one below is displayed. Edit the
form fields as needed then click on
the Submit button when done.

- Portfolio - select the portfolio number that you wish to add the
stock to.
- Exch - unless it's a Canadian stock you're adding, you need to
specify the correct Exchange for which the symbol is listed under. You can
leave the exchange blank when entering a mutual fund symbol.
- Symbol - enter the security symbol.
- Email - check this if you want news bulletins related to this stock
automatically emailed to you when they are disseminated.
- Quote - check this to have the security appear in your
- Sort - controls the order of display - lower "Sort" values are
displayed first (0-255).
Edit Stocks
Here is some general information on portfolio symbol management.
- The
Sort value controls the order of display. Stocks
with the same sort are displayed alphabetically by symbol.
- The
Exch must be set to a specific exchange unless it's a
Canadian stock. "All Canadian" will show all interlisted listings for the
- Set the
N flag if you want to receive that company's news by
- Set the
Q flag if you want that symbol to appear in your
quote summary.
- Set the
P flag if you want alerts sent to your pager.
- Set the
S flag if you want that symbol to appear in your
daily email summary.
- The
Lo Alert,
Hi Alert and
Vol Alert fields allow you to set email alerts on
the stock price or the daily trading volume. Be sure to set the flag to enable
them. After the alert is sent, it is automatically disabled.
- Click the
TR link to get to the transaction edit page.
- Click the
DEL link to delete the entry.
Exchange Codes
Code |
Region |
Exchange |
Z |
US |
New York and American exchanges |
Q |
US |
NASDAQ + OTCBB + Pink Sheets |
S |
US |
S&P Indexes |
I |
US |
Other non-exchange indexes such as Dow Jones |
T |
Canada |
TSX - Toronto Stock Exchange |
M |
Canada |
Montreal Exchange |
V |
Canada |
TSX Venture Exchange |
C |
Canada |
CSE - Canadian Securities Exchange |
F |
Canada |
Canadian Mutual funds |
Deleting Stocks
- Bring up the Edit Portfolio page by using the menus or by clicking
on the Portfolio link for a symbol that has previously been added to one of
your portfolios.
- Click on the DEL link. You do not have to click submit for this
change to take effect.

Entering Transactions
- Bring up the Edit Portfolio page by using the menus or by clicking
on the Portfolio link for a symbol that has previously been added to one of
your portfolios.
- Click on the TR link for a symbol. This will bring up the
Transaction History page for that symbol

- Within the Transaction History page, enter the transaction