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Morgan Stanley Appoints 173 New Managing Directors

2025-01-10 09:00 ET - News Release

NEW YORK -- (Business Wire)

Morgan Stanley has announced the appointment of 173 Managing Directors. The new Managing Directors are:

Andrea AlbertiJon LeBoutillier
Andrew ArenaBen L. Lee
Emma AtkinsDick Lee
Mona BenisiJason Lees
Maria BerezhkovaBenjamin Liberos
Alison BilgerUri Lichtenfeld
Priya BindraDaniel J. Lingeza
Nathan BishopFan Liu
Peter BoehmSarah Lloyd-Johns
Dan BrayElly Lukenskaite
Katalin BrozMayank Maheshwari
Shinya BukawaRichard Mancusi
Edward BuryKoren Maranca
Ryuk ByunLesley A. Matthews
James CarrollHelen Mbugua-Kahuki
Matt CashiaMandy McClung
Kendal CehanowiczFelipe Medeiros
Kathy ChanLauren Miller
Fabien CharbonnelJames Montgomerie
Issam CherifJoseph Morgan
Florence Hiu In CheungLouise Mylott
Simerjeet ChhatwalPaul Nicely
Joseph ChiovittiMarianna Nichols
Cassandra ChoiPatrick J. Nolan
Lindsay ConnorOnyekwere Randy Ojukwu
Lori CorbettDina Paek
Stephanie CrombieMonica Pal
John CroweMark K. Parsonson
Laura D'AlbeyLiju Paul
Jon DavisRebecca Peckham
Toussaint DavisRichard Perrott
Jamie DayTony Piperno
Daniel DeDoraJon Pistilli
Daniel DiamondLaurie Pistilli
Sean DiffleySanjiv Prasad
James DiGuglielmoAnthony Preisano
Danielle DimitriouJared Richardson
James DonnellyChris Rigoli
Charles-Antoine DozinLúlica Rocha
Patrick EdwardsAlison Rooney
Cedar EkblomBrendan Ross
Steve FarrDaniel Rossi
Kurt GabrielBrian Sanderson
Tish GarrettSteven Santoro
Jenna GiannelliSamantha L. Schreiber
Marjorie GoichbergNeil Schwarz
Jennifer GonzalezJames Scilacci
Fernando Manuel Gonzalez BaqueroStephen Scott
Max Gordon-BrownMatt Sebesten
Anna GraingerFederico Sequeda
Stephen GramblingSajan Shah
Jonathan GreenbergRebecca Shaoul
Emma GriffinEugene Shenkar
Dirk GrunertAleksey Shevchenko
Inan GunbayDerek Simmons
Pranav GuptaSnigdha Singh
Yash GuptaSat Sivanathan
Caroline HalimiBen Smith
Kyle HallettLucio Solms-Lich
Ryuichiro John HanawaZachary Solomon
Todd HandNick Spiller
Sophia HerrmannReed Staub
Andrew T. HillKirsten Stewart
Jaylene HowardAlexandra Straton Gleich
Phil HumphreysJason Swankoski
Ross HutchesonKeiko Takeno
Daniel IacovittiEmma Tamblingson
Eiji IenoFrank F. Tang
Kiran InamdarDaniel Tay Zhi Yang
Tomoo IshimaruCourtney A. Thompson
Emiley JelliePaul B. Tucker
Paul JodiceCiaran Tuohy
Michele JonesBolivar Valera
Chris JuAlex J. Visokey
Patrick Keeley, Jr.Elizabeth Mazzagetti Waggoner
Michael KeeneRobert R. Walton, Jr.
Andrei KeisMae Wang
Brian KellyDavid White
Aly KerrPatrick Whitehead
Hussein KhattabEmma Whitehouse
Christopher KhouriRussell Wilk
Nicholas R. KirschnerBrandon D. Winikates
Krisztian KovacsErik Woodring
Sara J.G. KrantzKen Yamaguchi
Jenna KrauseSaba Zahid
Mithun KunderMike Zheng
Colm Leahy

About Morgan Stanley

Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS) is a leading global financial services firm providing a wide range of investment banking, securities, wealth management and investment management services. With offices in 42 countries, the Firm's employees serve clients worldwide including corporations, governments, institutions and individuals. For more information about Morgan Stanley, please visit www.morganstanley.com.


Media Relations Contact: Carrie Hall, Carrie.Hall@morganstanley.com

Source: Morgan Stanley

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