NEW YORK -- (Business Wire)
Morgan Stanley has announced the appointment of 173 Managing Directors. The new Managing Directors are:
Andrea Alberti | | | | | | Jon LeBoutillier |
Andrew Arena | | | | | | Ben L. Lee |
Emma Atkins | | | | | | Dick Lee |
Mona Benisi | | | | | | Jason Lees |
Maria Berezhkova | | | | | | Benjamin Liberos |
Alison Bilger | | | | | | Uri Lichtenfeld |
Priya Bindra | | | | | | Daniel J. Lingeza |
Nathan Bishop | | | | | | Fan Liu |
Peter Boehm | | | | | | Sarah Lloyd-Johns |
Dan Bray | | | | | | Elly Lukenskaite |
Katalin Broz | | | | | | Mayank Maheshwari |
Shinya Bukawa | | | | | | Richard Mancusi |
Edward Bury | | | | | | Koren Maranca |
Ryuk Byun | | | | | | Lesley A. Matthews |
James Carroll | | | | | | Helen Mbugua-Kahuki |
Matt Cashia | | | | | | Mandy McClung |
Kendal Cehanowicz | | | | | | Felipe Medeiros |
Kathy Chan | | | | | | Lauren Miller |
Fabien Charbonnel | | | | | | James Montgomerie |
Issam Cherif | | | | | | Joseph Morgan |
Florence Hiu In Cheung | | | | | | Louise Mylott |
Simerjeet Chhatwal | | | | | | Paul Nicely |
Joseph Chiovitti | | | | | | Marianna Nichols |
Cassandra Choi | | | | | | Patrick J. Nolan |
Lindsay Connor | | | | | | Onyekwere Randy Ojukwu |
Lori Corbett | | | | | | Dina Paek |
Stephanie Crombie | | | | | | Monica Pal |
John Crowe | | | | | | Mark K. Parsonson |
Laura D'Albey | | | | | | Liju Paul |
Jon Davis | | | | | | Rebecca Peckham |
Toussaint Davis | | | | | | Richard Perrott |
Jamie Day | | | | | | Tony Piperno |
Daniel DeDora | | | | | | Jon Pistilli |
Daniel Diamond | | | | | | Laurie Pistilli |
Sean Diffley | | | | | | Sanjiv Prasad |
James DiGuglielmo | | | | | | Anthony Preisano |
Danielle Dimitriou | | | | | | Jared Richardson |
James Donnelly | | | | | | Chris Rigoli |
Charles-Antoine Dozin | | | | | | Lúlica Rocha |
Patrick Edwards | | | | | | Alison Rooney |
Cedar Ekblom | | | | | | Brendan Ross |
Steve Farr | | | | | | Daniel Rossi |
Kurt Gabriel | | | | | | Brian Sanderson |
Tish Garrett | | | | | | Steven Santoro |
Jenna Giannelli | | | | | | Samantha L. Schreiber |
Marjorie Goichberg | | | | | | Neil Schwarz |
Jennifer Gonzalez | | | | | | James Scilacci |
Fernando Manuel Gonzalez Baquero | | | | | | Stephen Scott |
Max Gordon-Brown | | | | | | Matt Sebesten |
Anna Grainger | | | | | | Federico Sequeda |
Stephen Grambling | | | | | | Sajan Shah |
Jonathan Greenberg | | | | | | Rebecca Shaoul |
Emma Griffin | | | | | | Eugene Shenkar |
Dirk Grunert | | | | | | Aleksey Shevchenko |
Inan Gunbay | | | | | | Derek Simmons |
Pranav Gupta | | | | | | Snigdha Singh |
Yash Gupta | | | | | | Sat Sivanathan |
Caroline Halimi | | | | | | Ben Smith |
Kyle Hallett | | | | | | Lucio Solms-Lich |
Ryuichiro John Hanawa | | | | | | Zachary Solomon |
Todd Hand | | | | | | Nick Spiller |
Sophia Herrmann | | | | | | Reed Staub |
Andrew T. Hill | | | | | | Kirsten Stewart |
Jaylene Howard | | | | | | Alexandra Straton Gleich |
Phil Humphreys | | | | | | Jason Swankoski |
Ross Hutcheson | | | | | | Keiko Takeno |
Daniel Iacovitti | | | | | | Emma Tamblingson |
Eiji Ieno | | | | | | Frank F. Tang |
Kiran Inamdar | | | | | | Daniel Tay Zhi Yang |
Tomoo Ishimaru | | | | | | Courtney A. Thompson |
Emiley Jellie | | | | | | Paul B. Tucker |
Paul Jodice | | | | | | Ciaran Tuohy |
Michele Jones | | | | | | Bolivar Valera |
Chris Ju | | | | | | Alex J. Visokey |
Patrick Keeley, Jr. | | | | | | Elizabeth Mazzagetti Waggoner |
Michael Keene | | | | | | Robert R. Walton, Jr. |
Andrei Keis | | | | | | Mae Wang |
Brian Kelly | | | | | | David White |
Aly Kerr | | | | | | Patrick Whitehead |
Hussein Khattab | | | | | | Emma Whitehouse |
Christopher Khouri | | | | | | Russell Wilk |
Nicholas R. Kirschner | | | | | | Brandon D. Winikates |
Krisztian Kovacs | | | | | | Erik Woodring |
Sara J.G. Krantz | | | | | | Ken Yamaguchi |
Jenna Krause | | | | | | Saba Zahid |
Mithun Kunder | | | | | | Mike Zheng |
Colm Leahy | | | | | | |
About Morgan Stanley
Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS) is a leading global financial services firm providing a wide range of investment banking, securities, wealth management and investment management services. With offices in 42 countries, the Firm's employees serve clients worldwide including corporations, governments, institutions and individuals. For more information about Morgan Stanley, please visit

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Source: Morgan Stanley
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