Mr. Alex Bugden reports
Sorrento Resources Ltd. has received assay results from its September, 2024, soil sampling and prospecting program on the Lord Baron property.
- B-Horizon soil sample 246426 returned 0.577 gram per tonne (g/t) gold (Au);
- Five B-Horizon soil samples returned anomalous (more than 100 parts per million (ppm)) copper, with sample 246241 returning 461 ppm copper (Cu);
- Soil anomalies interpreted to correlate with a northeast-southwest-trending structure;
- Soil anomalies are open to the south;
- Soil anomalies are more less than three kilometres from the historic Whalesback and Little Deer mines in a previously untested area;
- Less than one kilometre from the Clam Pond gold occurrence (grab sample, which assayed 0.56 g/t Au).
Soil sampling and prospecting
Soil sampling and prospecting were carried out during September, 2024, on the Lord Baron property and included the collection of 59 B-Horizon soil samples along with one grab sample. Soil samples were collected over a grid approximately 100 metres by 200 metres. Analytical results have now been received and reviewed by the company.
The soil sampling was concentrated in the Clam Pond area, which has had very little prior exploration carried out despite being in close proximity to the historic Whalesback and Little Deer mines. A grab sample of a float boulder was collected in the area of the CSCJV-1 Cu-Au showing; however, it yielded no anomalous results.
The results of the soil sampling program are significant since they support the potential for there to be further mineralization in the area. In addition, the soil anomalies are interpreted to correlate with a northeast-southwest-trending fault structure. This fault is subparallel with the Whalesback and Little Deer mines geological structures. The company plans to follow up on this first-pass exploration program, with further soil sampling, prospecting and heavy metal content (HMC) till sampling.
About the Lord Baron project
The Lord Baron project is located on the Springdale peninsula in Newfoundland and Labrador, near the towns of Springdale, Little Bay and Beachside. The region has a rich mining history and is host to a skilled work force, several diamond drilling contractors, a National Instrument 43-101-compliant assay lab, and mining equipment and parts suppliers. In addition, it is adjacent to deepwater ports and industrial hydroelectric power supply, and is in proximity to the Nugget Pond mill.
The project consists of 15 individual mineral licences made up of 256 individual claims for an area of 6,400 hectares. The project is predominately underlain by rocks of the Lush's Bight Group of the tectonostratigraphic Dunnage zone of the Appalachian orogen. The Lush's Bight Group is a Cambro-Ordovician sequence of ophiolitic metavolcanic rocks representing a portion of the oceanic crust of the proto-Atlantic Ocean, the Iapetus Sea. The group has been metamorphosed to greenschist facies and has undergone extensive faulting related to the initial formation of oceanic crust, as well as the Taconic and Acadian orogenies.
The Lush's Bight Group contains more base metal sulphide showings per square kilometre than any other group of rocks in Newfoundland. The showings typically occur in an envelope of chlorite schist.
Management commentary
Alex Bugden, PGeo, chief executive officer, president and qualified person of Sorrento Resources, commented: "This is very exciting news with regards to the Lord Baron project. This first-pass exploration program has yielded impressive outcomes and highlights the potential for new discovery. Typically, any gold-in-soil which returns 50 ppb or higher is considered anomalous, so to get 577 ppb gold is impressive. We are keen to follow up on these results and further expand on them."
Qualified person
All rock and soil samples were submitted to Eastern Analytical in Springdale, Nfld., where they were analyzed for gold by a 30-gram fire assay with an atomic absorption finish and a 34-element ICP-OES (inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy) package, using a four-acid digestion. The company incorporates a quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) program for the soil sampling program, which included the regular insertion duplicates into the sample stream.
Alex Bugden, PGeo, a qualified person in accordance with National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed and approved the technical information contained in this news release.
About Sorrento Resources Ltd.
Sorrento Resources is engaged in acquisition, exploration and development of mineral property assets in Canada. The company's objective is to locate and develop economic precious and base metal properties of merit, including the Wing Pond, Lord Baron and PEG lithium projects, and the Harmsworth (volcanic massive sulphide) project, all located in Newfoundland.
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