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BCSC halts rare earth promotion Neotech Metals

2023-12-21 20:08 ET - Street Wire

Also Street Wire (C-NTMC) Neotech Metals Corp

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CSE and tsx depression due to metals prices depressed compared to the infkationary cycle, copper the same price as when ribeyes were $6, they 27$ now, NTMC low cap under 100 million shares and no free trading offered, plus mining dot com has the reason published tonite why it jammed as with DEFN, almost a double, China banning rare earth tech exports and obviously someone knows rare earth ban coming? BCDc cousins to Glencore and Anglo mining bribe money screwing Canadians. Who the fuck let glencore takeover Canadian king? BCSC cousins did

Posted by Oh at 2023-12-22 00:01

Mountain pass on NtSE mine is same host as whicheeda, and footprint is 3100 feet by 3800 feet as per google, 359m is how many feet? Spending )200 million drilling instead of mining makes Canada laughing stock of mining world, it’s ok Chinese farmers dug 800 m shaft by hand for nothing as per cbc China Olympics, glencore, Anglo cousins here in Canada want you spending $200 million on drilling so glencore can turn you all in to slaves

Posted by Oh at 2023-12-22 00:04

Blotters talk all b s obviously, who buying? 5?accounts? Time to call King Charles

Posted by Oh at 2023-12-22 00:07

Bcsc should get market makers to make a market then, market maker b s talk, price spiked because “was than 50 million shares out, no offers and China dumps, who you think knew about China rare earth policy? USA congress members and senate members and othervworld government stock buyers, even GOAT with same host rare earth geology as mountain pass and whicheeda up lol too bad no real market pro’s out there anymore

Posted by Oh at 2023-12-22 00:14

B s weed ran to $75 on b s promo of first $100 pot stock, pot heads wiped out quadrillions in investors money while bcsc potheads stoned dreaming of $100

Posted by Oh at 2023-12-22 00:17

glencore with established with ill gotten funds and bribing worldwide still allowed to show up with the illegal money and buyout canada, someone needs to go to bc supreme court and point out they are wrong here with the facts, and get them all fired and clean up the rotten south african and hong kong ex pats scumbags giving everything to their cousins outside of canada

Posted by yeh at 2023-12-22 08:58