SEC defendant Barone headed for light sentence
2024-11-11 20:32 ET - Street Wire
Also Street Wire (C-CNFA) Canafarma Hemp Products Corp
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by Mike Caswell
New York prosecutors have requested a reduced sentence for Frank Barone, one of those charged for the manipulation of Vancouver's Canafarma Hemp Products Corp. in 2020. Prosecutors say that Mr. Barone, who was part of a scheme to mislead investors about a hemp chewing gum product, provided "substantial assistance" to the government. Details of his help are not public, but the government subsequently obtained guilty pleas from two men who had misappropriated $4-million as part of the fraud. (All figures are in U.S. dollars.)
The request from prosecutors comes as part of a fraud that resulted in charges against Mr. Barone and three other men. Prosecutors claimed that the group misled investors, touting Canafarma as having $25-million in revenue as it raised money from investors in the U.S. and elsewhere. In reality, Canafarma did not process any hemp, nor did it produce any products, the government said.
Mr. Barone, a New Jersey resident who was a senior vice-president at Canafarma, pleaded guilty to charges that included wire fraud, securities fraud and related conspiracy counts. With his sentencing date approaching, prosecutors filed a letter on Friday, Nov. 8, setting out their position on an appropriate jail term. They say that Mr. Barone's plea came as part of a co-operation agreement with the government, in which he provided "substantial assistance in the investigation and prosecution of others."
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is this the deal that got over 100 million financing from big brokerage banks in USA, and the auditors and everyone including inspectors missed the false wall behind the receptionist in the approved facility where the illegal grown, bought pot was being stored? and the cheapskates did business without paying anyone but promised the grower or growers once they got the 100 million+ they would pay them, then didnt???
Posted by oh at 2024-11-12 10:23
this one is bizzare, because every story from sec there is absolute abhorent little details spun to embarrass and to humiliate the convicted but in this case even the whole story is played down, why? isn't this the deal the big USA bank was doing 100+ million financing and vetted the deal, sent inspectors to the facility and everyone of those people missed the false wall behind the receptionist where illegally grown pot that was bought was stored and being used as their product, plus everyone was a liar, and company auditors missed the false wall...was the beginning of the end for pot....which is another commodity and did not have to be upto mining reporting standards even though pot is a commodity... how bout weed, the promo tag line was...first $100 pot deal... ????
Posted by oh at 2024-11-12 10:28