Mr. Doug Moore reports
Evertz Technologies Ltd. has released the voting results of its 2024 annual general and special meeting of shareholders, held today, in Burlington, Ont.
Election of directors
The seven nominees listed in the management proxy circular of the company were elected as directors of the company. The election of directors was conducted by a way of vote by ballet. In accordance with the requirements of the Toronto Stock Exchange, an attached table reflects the results for the election of directors, both by total and as a percentage of votes represented at the meeting.
Nominee Votes for % for votes Withheld/against % withheld/against
Romolo Magarelli 56,676,886 92% 5,131,657 8%
Douglas A. DeBruin 56,498,191 91% 5,310,352 9%
Christopher M. Colclough 59,706,590 97% 2,101,953 3%
Dr. Thomas V. Pistor 60,213,926 97% 1,594,617 3%
Don Carson 61,589,652 100% 218,891 0%
Rakesh Patel 56,584,871 92% 5,223,672 8%
Brian Piccioni 60,832,428 98% 976,115 2%
Reappointment of auditor
The resolution reappointing BDO Canada LLP as the company's auditor and authorizing the directors of the company to determine the auditor's remuneration was unanimously carried pursuant to a vote by way show of hands.
Reapproval of stock option plan
By a way of vote by ballot, the reapproval of the company's stock option plan and the approval of all unallocated options thereunder were supported by the company's shareholders. Detailed results of the vote on this matter are set out herein.
Motion Votes for % for Votes against % against
Reapproval of the 56,601,190 92% 5,207,352 8%
company's stock option plan
Reapproval of the 2022 restricted share unit plan
By a vote by way of vote by ballot, the reapproval of the company's 2022 restricted share unit plan and the approval of all allocated and restricted share units thereunder were supported by the company's shareholders. Detailed results of the vote on this matter are set out herein.
Motion Votes for % for Votes against % against
Reapproval of the 2022 56,880,574 92% 4,927,968 8%
restricted share unit plan
About Evertz Technologies Ltd.
Evertz designs, manufactures and markets video and audio infrastructure solutions for the television, telecommunications and new media industries. The company's solutions are purchased by content creators, broadcasters, specialty channels and television service providers to support their increasingly complex multichannel digital, and high- and ultrahigh-definition television and next-generation high-bandwidth low-latency Internet protocol network environments and by telecommunications and new media companies. The company's products allow its customers to generate additional revenue while reducing costs through efficient signal routing, distribution, monitoring and management of content, as well as the automation and orchestration of more streamlined and agile workflow processes on premise and in the cloud.
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