The Globe and Mail reports in its Thursday, Feb. 13, edition that National Bank Financial analyst Mohamed Sidibe is constructive on the uranium market and uranium prices. The Globe's David Leeder writes in the Eye On Equities column that Mr. Sidibe says in a note: "This, coupled with rising geopolitical tensions and trade wars affecting supply, an under investment in new mines and projects since the Fukushima incident has led to a tight market and has pushed uranium prices higher. In 2024, uranium U3O8 spot prices averaged $86 (U.S.)/lb, a year-over-year increase vs. the 2023 average of $60 (U.S.)/lb and current spot prices of $70.25 (U.S.)/lb. We model long-term prices of $85 (U.S.)/lb." Mr. Sidibe commenced coverage on IsoEnergy with an "outperform" rating and $4.50 (Canadian) share target. Analysts on average target the shares at $6.34 (Canadian). Mr. Sidibe adds: "IsoEnergy provides investors with pure exploration upside on the world's highest indicated grade deposit located right across from Cameco and Orano's Dawn Lake project. We see the ownership stake in this asset as a strategic edge that will likely garner interest from majors as uranium demand continues to increase and ISO delivers positive exploration results."
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